Roger and Betty Yates
cell (256) 393-5650
Quality Miniature Dachshunds
We are located in Attalla, Alabama...
right next to Gadsden, about an hour north of Birmingham...
an hour south-east of Huntsville...
just 2 1/2 hrs from Atlanta, Ga.
Safe shipping is available
through out the United States & Canada!
Please feel welcome to call or send an email regarding any questions you may have about our dachshunds.
We would love to hear from you!
You are welcome to come by and visit...just give us a call and let us know when you plan to come.
We try to answer all emails as soon as possible!
We will be up dating our site as new puppies arrive.
Be sure to check back often!
Yates' Dachshunds
Roger and Betty Yates
(256) 393-5650
This page last updated 02-05-25
This page last updated 02-05-25